Business Plan Chartered Accountants London

It is often said that, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

As a business owner you have no doubt been reminded on more than one occasion of the importance of business planning. And no doubt you agree that planning is important.

And yet in all probability you rarely seem to find the time to sit down and develop strategic plans but end up flying by the seat of your pants, trusting your intuitions and relying on snap judgments rather than adhering to a pre-arranged strategy.

Not that we would deprecate such intuitions. Experience has taught us that it is precisely this ‘sixth sense’ that many business owners and managers seem to possess that is the driving force behind entrepreneurship – and we have learned to take it seriously.

But the planning is important. Without sound analysis, clear projections, and well-thought out contingencies, businesses tend to become hostages to fortune.

Proactive management is replaced by reactive coping, and instead of following a well-thought-out plan, owners and managers are reduced to responding to unforeseen events, or trying to catch up on missed opportunities.

This is why we encourage our clients to schedule regular planning sessions. We can help you:

  • Formulate and implement long-term strategic goals
  • Set concrete operational objectives
  • Monitor performance and adjust plans accordingly

Contact Us today to discuss how we can help you put together a road map that will keep your business on course.

What Our Customers Say


Accounting for creatives

We’ve been helping people in creative industries for over 23 years and what we’ve found that they appreciated most is our understanding of the industry and how well we work with creative people.

Green & Peter – Chartered Accountants North London

Accounting for property

We also love working with people that deal with properties. We’ve helped to guide clients that were ready to give up on their property and turned them into happy and successful property moguls.

Green & Peter – Chartered Accountants North London

Accounting for everything else

We don’t just work with creatives and properties, we do all the other things you’d expect. If you’re looking for help with your finances for business or personal then let us advise you on the best approach.

Green & Peter – Chartered Accountants North London

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