Check your State Pension forecast

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The State Pension forecast provides an estimate of how much State Pension an individual can expect to receive when they reach State Pension age. The estimate is based on the applicant's National Insurance current and future contribution record.

A forecast application can be made online using the government gateway by sending the BR19 application form by post or by calling the Future Pension Centre. The forecast includes basic information explaining what effect further qualifying years may have on the amounts shown in the forecast.

The forecast also shows what date the taxpayer will reach their State Pension age based on the current law. The State Pension age is regularly reviewed and may change in the future. The estimate does not take account of future payments to fill possible gaps in the taxpayer's contribution record.

If you do not have 10 qualifying years, the forecast will only tell you how many qualifying years you currently have. This is because taxpayers usually require a minimum of 10 qualifying years to qualify for any State Pension.

It is worthwhile to regularly check your State Pension position to help optimise your entitlement. You should also consider what other savings or pensions might be required for a long and comfortable retirement.

Source:Department for Work & Pensions| 24-07-2023
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